AirHop Trampoline Park Trip Ticket Options
Join us at the end of Wellbeing Week for a trip to AirHop Trampoline Park in Guildford! Bounce away any stresses you have and relax in this 'after dark' session on Friday evening.
You can expect to find over 50 interconnected trampolines that span right across the floor and up the walls on the Main Court – as well as the famous Obstacle Course, AirHopBag, Extreme Dodge Attack, Slam Dunk and AR Trampolines.
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This information is provided for information only.
It's not possible to buy tickets for this event.
The Venue
10 Midleton Industrial Estate Rd,
Important Information
Additional Terms
Unless otherwise stated, this is a fundraising event for Surrey Students' Union and last entry is midnight. See our website for full policy details.
Any Questions?
If you have any questions about this event, please contact Surrey Students' Union directly using the details below.
Surrey Students' Union
+44 (0)1483 689223