The Funk Soul Disco Ticket Options

Thu Feb 23 22:00:00 UTC 2017 22:00 The Basement

Come on down to the Disco Fever you fine bunch of divas,


The party starts this calendar year with a wild collaboration of disco anthems, soul shoe tappers and funk floorfillers. Together we can groove like disco stu, sipping the juju and cracking onto your favourite mary-lou.

We bring you an assortment of vibrant surprises, including a selection of tried and tested props paired with our globally recognised beat laboratory.

Don't forget your dancing shoes..

No tickets available

This information is provided for information only.

It's not possible to buy tickets for this event.

The Venue

The Basement
University of Surrey

Important Information

These tickets are being sold by Surrey Students' Union. To plan your visit, please refer to .

Additional Terms
Unless otherwise stated, this is a fundraising event for the University of Surrey Students’ Union and last entry is midnight. By attending this event, you consent to being filmed. See website for full policy details.

Any Questions?
If you have any questions about this event, please contact Surrey Students' Union directly using the details below.

Surrey Students' Union
+44 (0)1483 689223 

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