Snowsports Whiteout II Ticket Options

Thu Mar 07 20:00:00 UTC 2019 20:00 Hari’s Bar

While sat contemplating their post-trip blues in the SuSnow (not so) hot tub, our Social Sec dropped a triple dose of 'Extra Joss' on the instrument panel! The monumental energy overload caused a hyper-overclocking of the jet turbine limiting flux capacitor shattering the quasistable time bubble surrounding them. Our committee got pulled back through time, being scattered across the continuum. We jived by the pyramids with the ancient Egyptians, salsaed with spacemen from a galaxy far far away, and cha cha slid our way through the top floor of Parlafour and slopes of Tignes to relive the best week of our lives #takeusback We managed to find our way back to the present day after our Race Captain took a near-suicidal-quadruple-joss-fueled SEND off the top of the glacier, skiing so fast he opened a rift in time we could travel through to get back here (true story, check his skitracks). Snowsports has had some parties in it's time but nothing was quite like this inter-dimensional space-time wobble we experienced. That is why we are going to be taking you with us on MARCH 7TH.

We'll be embarking on a journey backwards (and forwards!) through all the ages to gather up our misplaced friends and bring them with for a groove that'll go down in HISTORY. Time machines have notoriously bad efficiency... We'll need to 'refuel' at EVERY STOP... some models of time machines may require multiple refills.

Our journey is complicated enough to plan through space, let alone time as well! Keep an eye out for the route to be announced soon!

Facebook Link below - be sure to smash that going button:

No tickets available

This information is provided for information only.

It's not possible to buy tickets for this event.

The Venue

Hari’s Bar
University Of Surrey Students' Union
University of Surrey
Guilford GU2 7XH

Important Information

These tickets are being sold by Surrey Students' Union Activities. To plan your visit, please refer to .

Additional Terms
Unless otherwise stated, this is a fundraising event for the University of Surrey Students’ Union and last entry is 11:30pm. By attending this event, you consent to being filmed. See website for full policy details.

Any Questions?
If you have any questions about this event, please contact Surrey Students' Union Activities directly using the details below.

Surrey Students' Union Activities
+44 (0)1483 689223 

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